Friday, June 13, 2008

The Happening Sucks

M. Night Shyamalan comes through with another piece of garbage. The Happening is only slightly less worse than Intersection and The Village (another Shyamalan film).  

Here's the premise:  People in the Northeast start killing themselves en masse.  It is revealed that plants are causing the suicides by releasing toxins because man has become a threat to the planet.  I can see how a good story could be spun from this idea, but this movie blows it.  The acting is terrible and the rationale for the deaths is like a footnote at the end of the film.  It's like 90 minutes of deaths and suspense and then 5 seconds of environmental moralizing.  Yawn.

Shyamalan is so stuck on trying to deliver a clever "twist" ending that he forgot how to make good movies.  This movie has no real twist, little plot (other than "keep moving away from the wind") and F-grade performances.  The highlight is a zookeeper feeding himself to lions (which is shown on an iPhone).  If that sounds appealing, you are a clown and deserve this film.  You will have a better time lighting $11 on fire and watching it burn than you will watching "The Happening."

I booed at the end of this film.

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